On 12/31/2018 7:54 PM, Cameron McQuinn wrote:
> I am trying to get MachineKit with hm2-soc running on the Snickerdoodle. So 
> far, I have a bitstream for the FPGA and a configuration for Machinekit and 
> for QtQuickVcp. I can launch qtquickvcp on the Snickerdoodle, and then 
> connect to it with MachinekitClient. However, any attempt to home the 
> system or make a movement resuls in a joint following error. I don't have 
> any actual motors or hardware connected at this point, but I am just trying 
> to get everything working on the software side. How do I fix the joint 
> following error?
> My configuration files for Machinekit and qtquickvcp can be found at 
> https://github.com/cmcquinn/Hm2-soc_FDM. I am running a custom compiled 
> preempt-rt kernel (version 4.9.0).

There are lots of things that can go wrong with the SoC+FPGA systems.

I suggest first trying to manually load the hostmot2 driver and verify
everything works as expected.  If the FPGA and HAL driver are working
properly, they will communicate with each other and the HAL driver
will instantiate driver code for the logic it finds in the FPGA.

That said, it looks like you've got the hm2 capture-position function
commented in your HAL file if I'm looking at the right one:


...that will break all the  hm2 code and generate following errors.

Charles Steinkuehler

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