Ugh, sorry for introducing this problem, and thanks for everyone's help 
figuring it out.

I think it's important to fix compiler warnings.  When fixing these warnings, I 
found a couple of instances where the warnings actually pointed out real bugs.  
Warnings help me in my own development, and it's hard to see them in a haystack 
of other, unrelated warnings in the code (clean build log output was one of my 
motivations to fix the warnings in the first place).  I bet there are other 
good reasons for fixing them.  Am I alone on this one?

I'll fix this one properly so we can turn `-Werror` back on.  I'll also take a 
look at Buster builds down the road when I actually start using it, if others 
think fixing warnings is worthwhile; if not, I won't fight the current.


From: <> on behalf of <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Machinekit] Mesa 6i25 & 7i76 - Operation not permitted with new 
Machinekit Version

Yes, I read something very similar on stackoverflow Charles.
It is probably the way to go, certainly to test out.

As I didn't have the ability right now to test on real hardware,
I just reverted to be safe.

The warnings issue on Jessie and Stretch is as nothing to what is to come
in Buster with gcc 8.xx

There are some pretty intractable warnings due to the coding style in our
legacy code, where buffers are allocated to a defined length
and then a subsequent strncpy() or whatever is fixed to that same
defined length.

The later version of gcc will both warn of potential buffer overflow and of
potential data truncation, even if neither are possible in that instance.

Removing those, if ever deemed worth spending time on, will mean re-writing
a lot of code, possibly with some quite clunky stuff.

On 06/03/19 14:08, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> On 3/6/2019 5:30 AM, wrote:
>> It essentially comes down to 32 bit and 64 bit differences in data type size.
>> If you then specify a format size in a printf operation, it will always 
>> generate
>> a warning under one architecture or another.
>> Assigning with a (void*) cast, will do so too, hence the making of L1 and L2
>> void * probably
> I don't have time to test this in Machinekit, but I've solved these
> sort of issues using the intptr_t data type (which changes size based
> on the architecture), so something like:
>    unsigned intptr_t L1, L2;
>    unsigned long L3;
> Another option (since intptr_t isn't guaranteed to be available and
> I'm not 100% the pointer casts required for fscanf wouldn't throw a
> warning) is to make a union and overlap a pointer with an integer
> type, eg:
>    union foo {
>      unsigned long long foo_long;
>      void *foo_ptr;
>    }
> ...then use the appropriate type where needed.

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