I am using a Beaglebone / CRAMPS 2.2 cape fitted with Protoneer ‘Pololu 
Socket To External Driver conversion boards’ to provide signals to the 
large drivers and steppers on my (bigger-than-a-Bridgeport) retro-fitted 
Induma mill. The X and Y axis's are working as they should so I can use the 
mill in 2 axis mode to build the mounting hardware for a CNC quill feed to 
give me a Z axis. 
   Every thing is going fine but I really, really miss having a  working 
‘Start / Continue’ button right next to the big red E-Stop button on the 
head of the mill. I have a fun little 3D printer so I quite understand why 
the CRAMPS cape doesn’t need to implement such a button but I am dealing 
with several hundred pounds of Iron moving at 4+ inches a second. Mousing 
about on a simulation of what I hope is happening is not the same as facing 
what is really happening with my thumb hovering over the E-Stop button. 
   I ran LinuxCNC on a friends mill in the late 1990s and it had a real 
‘Start / Continue’ button. Did that capability get carried over into 
Machinekit and if so, where does it emerge on the Beaglebone? I already 
have a pair of 2 X 23 stacking headers between the Beaglebone and the 
CRAMPS cape to improve cooling so it would be no big deal to add a breakout 
board. Any information would be welcome.
By the way, I am using my wife's account. My name is Gordon Osterstrom

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