For my MESA 7i92 I have this set up for sharing limit switches.

The Home and Minus Limit switch for the X axis are shared.
net min-home-x => axis.0.home-sw-in
net min-home-x => axis.0.neg-lim-sw-in

And the Positive Limits for X and Y along with the Minux Z are shared.
net max-x-y-min-z => axis.0.pos-lim-sw-in

Is there any reason that I can't share the home/min_limit switches to also be 
the positive limit?
As in:
net min-home-x => axis.0.pos-lim-sw-in

I imagine the system knows which direction it's going when it hits the limit 
and when the override limits is pressed all limits are overridden so it's still 
possible to back off?

The reason I'm asking is I've run into a snag with the BeagleBone and the 
Xylotex Cape.  The DB25-15 pin which I currently use as an input for the limits 
at the other end of the home switches happens to also be the QEP0 Index input 
for the spindle.  

The other QEP devices aren't available because the LCD_DATA pins are in use for 
the HDMI interface and without those no screen and therefore no AXIS interface. 
 There is QEP2 on GPIO1_12..14 but those are in use for step/dir pins.  Short 
of creating a brand new cape maintaining compatibility for the DB-25's from the 
MESA and the Xylotex cape doesn't seem possible.

Unless I'm missing something.  However if I can move the limit switches to be 
shared on just 3 pins then I can use the QEP0 and get that part working.

After that it looks like I'll need to make my own cape for the Beagle if I want 
to match the MESA 7i92H except that this cape would also add P9-19, P9-20 for 
CAN bus.

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