
for an application I need 14 PRU pins (OUT) for control 7 stepper axis. I 
tested all pins and all works except P8_45 (0xA0). Is this a known issue?

In the attachments there are the files I tried and checked the outputs with 
an oscilloscope. For Pin P8_45 I get an output (frequency ~ 100kHz) as soon 
as the hal_pru_generic driver is loaded (even there should no output).

What I did?

1. flash the current machinekit image to BBB (Rev C)
(uname -a Linux beaglebone 4.19.106-bone-rt-r49 #1stretch PREEMPT RT Wed 
Mar 11 10:50:28 UTC 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux) i did it with version 
as well, no luck :(*

2. change uEnv.txt settings:

3. pinmux the pins with config-pin -f pinout.bbio (the file in the 

4. start the application with ./run.py (file in the attachment)

5. check the output of the current pin
5.1 (setp [PRUCONF](DRIVER).pwmgen.00.out.00.pin       160)
5.2. switch setp [PRUCONF](DRIVER).pwmgen.00.out.00.enable    1 to 0 -> no 
change of the output (the issue)

6. do step 5 for all other PRU1 pins (all works except pin P8_45 (0xA0)

Is this a known issue for Pin P8_45?
Can someone help me to fix this issue? For example test the attached files 
to reproduce the issue?!

Best regards,

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