I read on Macintouch today that apparently IE 5.1 in OS X, upon encountering
an .hqx encoded file, automatically decodes it (Explorer does, not Stuffit),
and then porceeds to EXECUTE IT!!!

The person that brought this up provided an illustrative example to show how
a small C program can easily be automatically executed by this exploit.

I tried it, and it's true.

If this is desired behavior, I just have to ask: "Damn, folks, what ARE you

Haven't the slew of exploits on the Windows side taught everyone a valuable
lesson, or are mandatory security holes a new MS edict, and all software
groups MUST incorporate near fatal security backdoors in their products?

Is there a work-around? Will this be plugged (please)? Why was this decided
(seriously, whose brainiac idea *was* this?)

Please, help us out here and shed some light on this.


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