On 10/4/01 6:39 PM, "Eric Hildum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have just been testing the release Explorer's Unicode support by checking
> the various sample pages at
> <http://www.hclrss.demon.co.uk/unicode/index.html>. I have the MS Arial
> Unicode installed, and expected that the characters in that font set would
> be used when looking at these pages. However, a number of the pages whose
> characters are included in the Arial Unicode do not display. Isn't Explorer
> supposed to locate the characters among the fonts automatically? Even
> setting Arial Unicode as a font in the UTF-8 support does not seem to help.

IE doesn't really support Unicode fonts.  It uses the older Script-based
APIs which aren't as flexible.  We hope to improve this in the future.


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