On Feb 14, 2014, at 4:58 AM, Paul Taylor <paul_t...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> Crashed Thread:  0  AppKit Thread  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
> Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGABRT)
> Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x00000001043d5000
> Application Specific Information:
> *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'JavaNativeException', reason: 
> 'java.lang.StackOverflowError'
> terminating with uncaught exception of type JNFException
> abort() called

Not sure what you mean by update? If you have a bug report? 
The above sort of suggests you have something looping or too recursive going on 
with the native gui thread. Probably in or calling into native.

> Thread 0 Crashed:: AppKit Thread  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread


> 16  com.apple.HIToolbox               0x00007fff8ac65abc 
> _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 65
> 17  com.apple.AppKit                  0x00007fff8de7228e _DPSNextEvent + 1434
> 18  com.apple.AppKit                  0x00007fff8de718db -[NSApplication 
> nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 122
> 19  libosxapp.dylib                   0x000000012914b6d4 -[NSApplicationAWT 
> nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 124
> 20  com.apple.AppKit                  0x00007fff8de659cc -[NSApplication run] 
> + 553
> 21  libosxapp.dylib                   0x000000012914b4e8 +[NSApplicationAWT 
> runAWTLoopWithApp:] + 156
> 22  libawt_lwawt.dylib                0x00000001290dbafb -[AWTStarter 
> starter:] + 873
> 23  com.apple.Foundation              0x00007fff888be0de 
> __NSThreadPerformPerform + 229
> 24  com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x00007fff907cb8f1 
> 25  com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x00007fff907bd062 
> __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 242
> 26  com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x00007fff907bc7ef __CFRunLoopRun + 831
> 27  com.apple.CoreFoundation          0x00007fff907bc275 CFRunLoopRunSpecific 
> + 309
> 28  libjli.dylib                      0x00000001032e5b33 
> CreateExecutionEnvironment + 871
> 29  libjli.dylib                      0x00000001032e1ad4 JLI_Launch + 1952
> 30  com.jthink.songkong               0x00000001032668ab launch + 5243
> 31  com.jthink.songkong               0x00000001032652e6 main + 102
> 32  com.jthink.songkong               0x0000000103265274 start + 52

Not an expert but a guess would be in starting up AWT on application launch. 
Maybe event related, again from the exception maybe too many events or somehow 

Michael Hall

trz nio.2 for OS X http://www195.pair.com/mik3hall/index.html#trz

HalfPipe Java 6/7 shell app http://www195.pair.com/mik3hall/index.html#halfpipe

AppConverter convert Apple jvm to openjdk apps 

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