On Feb 27, 2014, at 23:35, Michael Hall <mik3h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Feb 27, 2014, at 3:51 PM, Hendrik Schreiber <h...@tagtraum.com> wrote:
> Again fwiw,
> my trz package has support for a lot of different OS X file attributes, 
> including old 'classic', file colors. I sort of liked the idea of color being 
> a file attribute myself. Not your usual one.
> I am not 10.9 yet but when I get there if this API concerns this same sort of 
> thing I would be happy to include it in trz anyhow.
> It is quite possible to add something like this along with a 'pass through' 
> type file system. So you could possibly come up with it yourself without 
> excessive effort.

Thanks for the pointer, Michael. For my own needs, I will probably just roll my 
own (since the API is trivial), but for the future I wouldn't mind seeing APIs 
like this exposed through the regular JDK. And if nobody asks for it, it never 
gets done...so I ask. ;-)



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