On 29/05/2014 11:27, Robert Krüger wrote:

I am not really sure I understand your posting correctly. Are you
saying that your impression is that java.awt.FileDialog in mode
FileDialog.LOAD does not work properly in an app bundle, regardless of
sandboxing? If that is so, then I can confirm that this is not the

You are not by any chance starting the app with a splash screen with
-splash? If so that is likely to be the reason for your problems as
java.awt.FileDialog is completely broken then (see
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8006420). If I understand the
feedback of an Oracle dev a few days ago on this list correctly, this
is fixed in J9 and will be backported for the next J8 update. We even
implemented our own splash screen because of this.



+1 this is what I was saying about splashscreen completely screwing up a gui application. Using Appbundler and without splash screen I use java.awt.FIleDialog fine ( see http://jthink.net/songkong, and select File/Open Folder )


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