Can anyone recommend a USB WiFi antenna?

I bought an iMac a couple of weeks ago and the WiFi connection keeps dropping 
and/or slowing way down. If I reboot, I get broadband speeds for a while but 
eventually it drops to dialup speeds -- plus the connection drops 

Googling "iMac WiFi" turns up a lot of similar complaints, some blaming 
hardware (bad antennas) and some blaming software (in particular, the 10.7.3 
update). Some people have said the problem is triggered by waking from sleep.

I've tried various suggested solutions and none of them work. At this point, 
I'm willing to try one of those USB WiFi antennas in case it's a hardware 
problem. It's stupid to have to spend money on this, but bringing the Mac back 
to the store for repair, exchange, or even refund is more hassle than I want to 
deal with right now.



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