On Sun, 29 Apr 2012, LuKreme wrote:

} On Apr 28, 2012, at 20:29, Vince LaMonica <v...@cullasaja.com> wrote:
} > Sad as it may be, there are many businesses which still operate with faxes 
and many industries which aren't moving away from it any time soon.
} I've found the secret to dealing with those is simply saying, "it's 
} impossible for me to fax. I don't have a fax or a phone line."

Trust me, I've tried. It's been a 'pick your poison' type of thing - would 
I rather e.mail unencrypted sensitive business information [because they 
don't do encryption and i refuse to accept things that are easily hackable 
like password-protected zip files, PDFs, etc], or FAX the info. And finding 
an entire industry [or four] that is like this means going to a competitor 
doesn't help - nobody has decided to use technology in a way that benefits 
their customers; their websites remain late '90s looking, yet their sales 
continue to increase, so why bother adapting change/improvements, since 
things are working for them as is. Honestly, it is hard to argue with 
that, business-wise, but customer-satisfaction wise, I complain every 
chance I get.

I would like to know if there are any modems that are supported in Lion 
[eg: 3rd party that includes Lion drivers]. There are situations when dial 
up is needed and my VMware Fusion 4.1 solution can't live on forever [my 
laptop runs 10.7, but i have 10.6 installed via the "whoops" version of 
Fusion that accidentally allowed non-server editions of Mac OS X to be 
installed; i also run CS5 on there and other apps, since 10.7 and CS5 
don't get along well; i'm not the usual user though - most of my time is 
spent in front of a desktop system, not a laptop, and my desktop[s] remain 
on 10.6 [with fusion 4.1 running 10.7 and 10.8, as i also develop iOS/Mac 
OS X software]].

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