On Nov 16, 2012, at 4:48 AM, Charles Dyer <charles.d...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Because if it wasn't for Little Snitch, then every time he launched Skype FB 
> would get a knock on its door. They can, and almost certainly will, keep 
> track of who knocks on their door, whether or not there's a follow up. It's 
> info they don't need to have.

I'd think that's approximately the least important datapoint FB could possibly 
have about anyone. "An app checked to see if one of its users also has a FB 
account." Hate to break it to you, but software talking to other software is 
the new normal. And honestly, this presents zero risk to users. 

> I don't use Skype, but it seems that this is unexpected behavior and that 
> there isn't a way to kill it in the prefs. This means that _everyone_ who 
> uses Skype is letting FB know they exist... unless they block the contact 
> with Little Snitch or similar. This is not good.

Sorry, I'm not following why you feel "this is not good." Why would you care?

>> Since you don't have a FB account, it has nothing to discover. If you did 
>> have a FB account, it would be welcome behavior.
> No, it wouldn't. I don't have a FB account either, but if I did, I'd want to 
> contact FB _when I wished to_ and _only when I wished to_, same as I contact 
> any other service when I want to and only when I want to. I especially don't 
> want a 3rd party connecting me without asking and without permission.

Again, I don't understand why you find this troubling.  But perhaps not worth 
dragging out into a long discussion. Just seems like you have a personal 
preference here that is just not in line with the modern connected software 


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