On Jan 19, 2013, at 9:56 AM, William Ehrich <ehr...@clear.net> wrote:
>> There are a number of text editors designed for focused,
>> distraction-free writing.
>> I seem to recall at least one that only allows forward progress. I
>> forget the exact features, but they were along the lines of limited
>> backspacing, no undo, maybe focusing on one line at a time.
>> Anybody know the editor(s) I'm thinking of?
> My first reaction was that I could never do that. Too sloppy.
> But then I remembered when (1960s?) I learned to use a dictating machine that 
> cut a track in a plastic disk. It's possible, but the new way is better.

It certainly wouldn't be my main or only editor, but there are times I would 
like the option to turn this mode on. For example, I think it can help fight 
the urge to prematurely over-edit, which can sometimes hold me back from just 
getting words down on the page.

The use I have in mind now is that I'd like to experiment with extended patches 
of writing with my eyes closed. There's something about this that gets me into 
a "zone" that I like. I could do this with any old text editor, except I'm 
worried about accidentally hitting an arrow key or the trackpad in a way that 
moves the cursor somewhere I don't want it to go.

It's possible that what I really want for this purpose is to write my own text 
editor and have it block certain actions.


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