On Apr 3, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Jeff Weinberger <j...@jeffweinberger.com> wrote:

> I think it does have the hardware to do two-finger swiping.  If you hold down 
> Control and do a two-finger swipe it should magnify the current screen.  But 
> it seems to be a reach that you're doing that by accident.
> I tried holding control and doing a two-finger swipe, and all it did was 
> switch spaces (as though I were not holding control). I tried the same with 
> shift, option and command. Same result 

I should have specified vertical.  The spaces change is a horizontal swipe.

> The zoom is sharp, it is as though it is redisplaying at a larger size.

OK, then it isn't the swipe thing.

> Thank you for the suggestions, and the help! I appreciate it. There is a 
> remote possibility that when it happens, I am leaning on a keyboard key, but 
> I can't create a similar effect. I am almost certain that when it happens, I 
> inadvertently am touching the mouse with more than one finger, but again I 
> can't seem to create the effect intentionally.
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