My sister dropped off a hard drive with 2TB of FLAC and related (Shorten audio, 
possibly some others) lossless audio files. She wants them in iTunes and small 
enough that she can put them on her laptop.

I have xACT which works, but crashes often enough that it is not a solution for 
processing tens of thousands of files. It also will not preserve the folder 
structure (I can’t write to the same drive as it is very full).

What I would like to do is to get a command line solution that I can script to 
just run through the entire collection. A problem is that the shorten audio 
library, at least, can really only convert to wav, and then I convert from wav 
to mp4 or m4a.

I’m hoping someone has already done this and I don’t have to start from scratch.

Something like this:


if [ -d "${SOURCE}" ]; then
  cd "${SOURCE}"
  $FIND . -type f -name “*.shn” -exec {magic happens here} ${TARGET.TMP}.m4a \;

rsync -raRP --include=“*,m4a” ${SOURCE} ${TARGET}

## EOF

Reality is a curve.  That's not the problem. The problem is that there
isn't as much as there should be. According to some of the more mystical
texts in the stacks of the library of Unseen University - (...) - at
least nine-tenths of all the original reality ever created lies outside
the multiverse, and since the multiverse by definition includes
absolutely everything that is anything, this puts a bit of a strain on
things. --Moving Pictures

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