on 2014-04-24 23:28 Hacker Scot wrote
I can’t for the life of me figure out what criteria iTunes is using to decide 
when an album is identical. Anyone know?

in my experience it is the tracks, not the whole album that it is matching, and it matches tracks based on album name plus track name; if you have modified either post-RIP, it won't match; however if you modified them before you RIP (on the CD listing in iTunes) it may match — i often correct spelling/capitalization before i RIP, and iTunes sometimes remembers this; lately it has seemed less likely to remember

generally i don't let iTunes do the replace thing, instead i delete the old tracks before ripping; i don't really care about play counts and i add artwork directly to the track files (versus Apple's weird databasey way), usually with Album Artwork Assistant, so i have to re-add artwork when i reRIP anyway

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