
I would very much appreciate any direction on this...

I recently had to restore my Mac from my Time Machine backup due to disk

All went fine with one exception. When I launch iPhoto, it tells me that
the library is corrupt and needs to be rebuilt. When I let it rebuild and
wait a few hours, all my events and albums are there, but there are only
three photos. My actual library has thousands of photos.

All the photos are there when I poke around in the iPhoto Library.

I've tried restoring the library from a few days earlier, thinking the last
time machine backup might have been corrupted, but same result.

Is there anything I can do to get it to restore correctly? I'm hoping not
to lose all my albums... (I can reimport my photos...)

Thank you for any help you can offer!


iMac 2013, Mac OS/X 10.9.4
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