I have the following line in a logout.sh script that I've been running for 
several OS Versions:

_RUSER=`dscl . -read /Users/$USER RealName | tail -1
logger -t session "** RUser is \"$_RUSER\""

Which used to log the real name of the user and now logs 

session[31453]: ** RUser is " dsRecTypeStandard"

If I run the command from the command line, it works just fine, which makes me 
think that what is getting passed to the logout script via logout hooks is not 
the same as it was in 10.9 and previous. In fact, if I try to echo $1, I get 
nothing at all.

sudo defaults write com.apple.loginwindow LogoutHook /path/to/script

I could figure out how to make this a launchdaemon if it comes to that, but 
this has been working for several OS versions.

Any ideas?

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