I think you are onto something.  I have now tried this on 3 macs that are 
running Mojave and all give Not a number.  I then tried this on 3 other macs 
that are all running Sierra and all give the correct numeric answer.  So it 
certainly looks possible that some bug was introduced in High Sierra and 
continued in Mojave.

A friend just told me that it works on his Catalina mac, so perhaps they fixed 
it in the latest OS.  I do not have any Catalina machines, so I can't check 

From: Macs R We <macs...@macsrwe.com<mailto:macs...@macsrwe.com>>
Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 9:29 PM
To: Gregg Dinse <di...@niehs.nih.gov<mailto:di...@niehs.nih.gov>>
Cc: X Talk <macosx-talk@omnigroup.com<mailto:macosx-talk@omnigroup.com>>
Subject: Re: problem with Calculator app

This is fascinating.

My mid-2015 MBP on High Sierra and my Mini 2018 on Mojave both give Not a 

My mid-2011 Mini and 2017 MBA, both on Sierra, give a numeric answer, as do 
both our iPhones.

So because I'm now fascinated by this bug, I rebooted my MBP onto Sierra and… 
got a numeric answer.

It's looking a lot like a bug introduced in High Sierra. I wonder what release 
the guy in the Apple store was running… maybe they fixed it in Catalina.

On Jan 8, 2020, at 6:29 PM, Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [C] 
<di...@niehs.nih.gov<mailto:di...@niehs.nih.gov>> wrote:

I guess it's sounding more like a software problem than a hardware problem...

From: Macs R We <macs...@macsrwe.com<mailto:macs...@macsrwe.com>>
Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 8:26 PM
To: Gregg Dinse <di...@niehs.nih.gov<mailto:di...@niehs.nih.gov>>
Cc: "MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com<mailto:MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com>" 
Subject: Re: problem with Calculator app

I get Not a Number using either your keystrokes or mine. This is weird.

On Jan 8, 2020, at 6:23 PM, Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [C] 
<di...@niehs.nih.gov<mailto:di...@niehs.nih.gov>> wrote:

My problem machine is at the office.  I'm at home now and the Calculator app 
works fine on that mac.

I guess there are multiple ways to calculate exp(-1).  What I have been doing 
is the following.  I open the Calculator app and set View/Scientific.  I click 
on 1, then the +/- key, and then the eˣ key.  At home, the results field shows 
1, and then -1, and then 0.367879... as I click those 3 keys.  At the office, I 
got 1 and then -1 and then "Not a number".  As you noted, another way to 
calculate exp(-1) is to click the minus sign, then 1, then the equals sign, and 
then the eˣ key.  This gives the correct response at home, but I did not try 
that at the office.  In any event, both should function properly and at least 
one does not give the correct answer on my iMac at the office.

Over the next day or two, I will boot my iMac at the office from an external 
disk with a version of the OS for which the Calculator app works fine when 
booting at home.  Hopefully this will help me figure out if it's a hardware or 
software problem.


From: Macs R We <macs...@macsrwe.com<mailto:macs...@macsrwe.com>>
Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 7:48 PM
To: C D Tavares <macs...@macsrwe.com<mailto:macs...@macsrwe.com>>
Cc: Gregg Dinse <di...@niehs.nih.gov<mailto:di...@niehs.nih.gov>>, 
Subject: Re: problem with Calculator app

The ironic part is that I just tried the sequence myself:

-   1   =   eˣ

and got "Not a Number."    😳

(High Sierra, MBP 2015)

On Jan 8, 2020, at 1:53 PM, Macs R We 
<macs...@macsrwe.com<mailto:macs...@macsrwe.com>> wrote:

On the other hand, if it's clearly your hardware, you may have a much easier 
time of wangling a free repair or replacement from Apple.

On Jan 8, 2020, at 1:45 PM, Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [C] 
<di...@niehs.nih.gov<mailto:di...@niehs.nih.gov>> wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion.  I should be able to do this, but probably not 
today.  I never even thought about the hardware being the problem.  That is 


From: Macs R We <macs...@macsrwe.com<mailto:macs...@macsrwe.com>>
Date: Wednesday, January 08, 2020 at 3:40 PM
To: "Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [C]" 
Cc: "MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com<mailto:MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com>" 
Subject: Re: problem with Calculator app

What's scary about this is that the response "not a number" is often a response 
directly from the hardware.

If, like me, you are lucky enough to have on hand an external drive with 
relatively virgin copies of various Apple operating systems, you could boot one 
of them and see if you get the same result. It's possible that you will get 
this result no matter which operating system you boot on that hardware, whereas 
if you take the same drive and boot someone else's Mac with it, you may get 
proper results. That would pretty definitively show that the problem is your 

On Jan 8, 2020, at 12:49 PM, Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [C] 
<di...@niehs.nih.gov<mailto:di...@niehs.nih.gov>> wrote:

I am running the latest version of Mojave (10.14.6) on a fairly new iMac.  
Using the Scientific view in the Calculator app, I tried to evaluate exp(-1) 
and it said "Not a number".  I tried several other negative values and none 
worked, even though they certainly should.  When I tried taking 10 to the -1 
power, I got the correct result (0.1), but for some reason it has a problem 
raising "e" (the base for natural logarithms) to a negative power.

I tried quitting the app, but that did not help.  I tried rebooting my mac, but 
that did not help.  I contacted our support group and they said the only thing 
they could do is to reinstall the operating system, which seems like a drastic 
step.  And exp(-1) worked just fine on the support person's mac.

Is there anything else that someone can suggest, short of reinstalling the OS?  
The support person said that we could not simply replace the Calculator app 
because it was part of the OS.  Any thoughts?



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