At 9:04 PM -0400 6/26/01, Brad Rice wrote:
>I managed to get Apache up and running and I edited the config file 
>to recognize my Sites file as http://localhost/~username

Seriously, is this harder than enabling Web Sharing in the Sharing 
System Preferences panel?

>and use php as a DirectoryIndex.

That might be harder.

>Now I can't seem to figure out what I need to do to make it 
>recognize my cgi-bin as an executable directory. I was reading about 
>ScriptAlias but I am not sure if I really need to edit that command 
>to get it to work. My scripts are working in the terminal but not in 
>the browser.
>Can someone advise me what I need to do to get it to run test scripts?

What do your web server log files say when you try and run your 
script?  Have you checked the faqs for what to do when scripts run 
from the terminal, but not the browser?

-Jeff Lowrey

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