On 6/8/01 at 10:25 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Fraterdeus) wrote:

> Of course, you can also just add a new property to /machines/.  (duplicate 
> localhost, and change the name.)
> My linux background sort of pushed me into figuring out the /etc/hosts method, 
> but it does seem more hip to go with NI !

I know this is getting *way* off perl, but I'm getting intrigued - all my Unix
experience was with Linux, and Netinfo is like a strange and very closed book to
me. So, how do you uncover the dirt on Netinfo? Are there vast quantities of man
pages lurking that I ought to read? I've noticed there's no O'Reilly book yet...

To swing slightly back on topic... Matt Sergeant's LibXML and LibXSLT Perl
wrappers for the Gnome XML and XSLT libraries... I managed to build both the
Gnome modules even though there was no Darwin OS option (I plumped for Rhapsody,
since I figured that it couldn't be that different down in the basement...) and
while the builds were successful, and so was making the LibXML Perl module, but
LibXSLT was unsuccessful. Has anyone managed to verify a successful build and
install of these modules, or is there a much easier way to do XML/XSLT on Perl
on OS X??



   Matt Patterson | Typographer
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://reprocessed.org/

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