On 6:52 PM 9/20/01 william ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You know, that would be a great addition!  Where do I petition for
> (someone else!) to develop it? =)
> bbedit-talk would be a better place to ask. It's a good list: see
> http://www.barebones.com/bbswlists.html
> apparently:
> "This discussion list is intended for any current or prospective users
> of our world-class HTML and text editor, BBEdit.  Topics might include
> sharing specific uses and tips for HTML document or Web site creation,
> use of BBEdit as a coding editor, sharing of AppleScripts or grep
> patterns, asking questions or providing feedback about potential
> product features, development of plug-ins, etc."

It is fine to ask there if anyone has such a tool (I don't know of any).

If you want to make an official request of us, please send it to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> so it is properly logged, etc.


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