On Monday, January 14, 2002, at 09:42 AM, Chris Nandor wrote:

> I wonder if maybe we should have Carbon:: or Cocoa:: namespaces?  Even
> Mac::Carbon:: or Mac::Cocoa:: or Mac::Aqua:: etc.  This would be
> Mac::Carbon::Something in that case ...

I haven't weighed in on this issue (or much of anything of late) 
but this would seem to be the most reasonable solution.  This 
would give us Mac:: as the "classic" MacOS namespace,  
Mac::Carbon:: as the transitional API (with CarbonLib on MacOS 9 
and earlier systems),  and Mac::Cocoa as the namespace for MacOS 
X (and later) modules. Although I would still push for similar 
interfaces across similar modules (and there will be some 
duplicate functionality regardless of what else happens).


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