I got this to work.  I can't remember off hand whether there 
was an issue with unix line endings, but I would be happy to send you 
the project.


At 1:26 AM -0700 2/5/02, Justin Simoni wrote
>I know this is an old thread, but can someone give more details on how to
>make this work? :)
>I followed these directions:
>Yes! This is working. I just changed the Hello World example with this
>on clicked theObject
>     tell main bundle to set thePath to path for resource "stats"
>extension "perl"
>     try
>         set thePath to "\"" & thePath & "\""
>         set r to do shell script thePath
>         display dialog r
>     on error msgError
>         display dialog msgError
>         display dialog thePath
>     end try
>end clicked
>And put a stats.perl file in the Resources folder with this snippet:
>use strict;
>my $r = scalar (localtime);
>print $r;
>And then build the Hello World app and its working. The only problem
>that I had was that I forgot to set executable bit on the stats.perl
>Wow, this is very very cool!!!!
>But all I get is a window with nothing in it, and if I run it in Project
>builder, I get a red text thingy that says that the applescript has exited
>with a status of '0'
>Anyone understand what's going on, or have a working example they can share?
>I'm confused on what kind of project I'm supposed to make and when and what
>I chmod the Perl script to, do I open up the bundle and do it there?
>Justin Simoni

Paul Schatz
Chem Dept
University of Virginia

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