And there I was thinking how lucky we were on OSX to have gotten away 
for the most part from the kind of radical posing and entrenchement 
that other perl mailing lists have. In bygone time this kind of 
posting would have had "NETTIQUETTE" somewhere in it's subject line.

In short this list is for OSX + perl - that's a broad spectrum, 
particularly as OSX isn't as similar to Unix as some people would 
have you believe, so there are a lot of questions to be asked, a lot 
of them basic.To be honest I like the atmosphere on this list for the 
most part -  instilling fear is never a good way to encourage 

As far as the hardened tech/admin/hacker whatever aspect - I've been 
on mailing lists long enough that I can see newbie postings a mile 
off, I either don't read them or don't reply if I have no desire to 
say anything constructive - I'm not paying to download each posting 
individually (which is just as well because I'm on other mailing 
lists _way_ more active than this one),<SMILE TONE ="JOCKULAR"> 
bandwidth is only an issue to those who have small HD</SMILE>.

C'mon guys try to rise above this kind of stuff and lets get on with 
debating which end of your boiled egg you should crack open.

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