RE: instructions at <>

I have had the following errors after installing the special Apache.

dyld: /usr/sbin/httpd Undefined symbols:
/usr/sbin/apachectl restart: httpd could not be started

In a unrelated error, can anyone verify that the following error is an
indication that another server is already running?

[crit] (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to port 80

I presume that mac os x is launching apache at startup.  Is it possible that
I have 2 versions of apache installed?  I presumed that installation of
apache by myself would overwrite anything that came pre-installed on the
computer, no?

BTW, thanks for all who have been responding to my emails!  It is great to
have such wonderful support.  Hopefully  I will someday be able to return
the favor.


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