
I have pretty much cleaned out my perl closet ( getting ready to abandon an
account that I have had for at least a decade). I have uploaded to


A little eye candy and a couple of tools I have found handy.

There are a couple of perl solutions to the eight queens problem, how can
you emplace eight queens on a  chessboard so that none are attacking any of
the others.

Phd is my "proof of concept" non caching perl http proxy server. The story
behind this project is interesting. The web was just starting to pick up
steam when "the powers that be" became aware that something was happening
out there. A "committee" was formed to study the problem ( naturally no CS
persons were aboard). There was some talk of shutting down the http port
while the problem was being studied by "the committee". Another idea floated
by "the committee" was that all web pages emanating from the university
would had to have "the committee's" seal of approval!

I did not like the way the conversations were going so I developed the proxy
server so I could bounce around the potential block of the http port by
installing the proxy server at a near by school were I had another account.

Fortunately sweet reason and the threat of burying the committee with
hundreds of pages to approve finally swung the day :)

The proxy was written when pages were much simpler ( no css, no javascript,
etc). In recent testing I was able to view usatoday, cnn, and nytimes pages
without any problems, seems to be a bit problematic. Any
improvements would be appreciated.

The other tool is a web based postgres db browser, rmtpgsql.cgi. This cgi
requires DBI and DB:Pg. It will allow you to log on to any postgres database
accessible via TCP/IP. I have added a couple of meta commands,
    "tables" will list the tables in the db that you have access to.
    "describe table" will do just that.
There is an input box for sql commands that can be run against the database
( only one at time...).

The code could easily be modified to other db's ( I did Oracle for a while)
which have a DBD driver.


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