> I am working on MAC OS X and Perl + Apache2.0.
> I used to use Asp + IIS.
> Would you please help me.
> 1)Where is web folder of apache2.0 under os X?

Apache 2.0? Has Jaguar moved that far ahead?

> It seems related with /usr/local/apache2.0

/usr/local? Is Apple using that now?

I'm thinking I'm remembering apache (1.?) in one of those Library
directories, so you could look at the executable with the GUI, even
though you can't look at the configuration with the GUI.

> ,but I cannot copy a file into it or construct
> a folder using mkdir.

Well, that's probably because you are smart and not loggin in as root. 

Now, all you need to do is enable root login just long enough to edit
the sudoers file (Wasn't that in /etc somewhere?) and that kind of thing.

> 2)Should I copy .pl file into /usr/local/apache2.0/
> cgi-bin in order to use cgi in perl?

I have the idea that the default httpd.conf actually allows you to have
cgi-bins for each user. Am I off base on that?

> 3) Can you give me some documents or hypertext link
> about web-publishing
> using apache and perl ?

It's been a while since I looked that sort of stuff up. Try google:


Maybe plug in something like "web-publishing apache perl example".


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