On Monday, September 9, 2002, at 05:19  PM, Ken Williams wrote:

> No - the Fink version will only be pre-compiled if you install 
> the binary version (using apt-get or dselect).  If you do "fink 
> install storable-pm" it will compile from source against 
> whatever version of perl version you have installed.

And as it turns out that was neither here nor there.  At issue 
was my failure to use "sudo" which lack causes make test to 
fail.  I knew this at some point in the past, but have become a 
biit rusty of late.

Funny thing is, that the reason I needed Storable.pm (which was 
missing in my install for some reason), is that I'm toying with 
AI::Categorize::NaiveBayesian.  Once Storable was in place that 
latter module builds and tests nicely.


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