Okay, I'm in "stupid question mode", so I'll keep this short.

I'm working on ways to track spam (where most people just want 
to filter it), and looking around noticed a nifty bit of Perl 
code which appears to do most of what I want, and could easily 
be coerced into doing the rest as well...


Alas, I'm so used to just grabbing things from CPAN that I'm not 
sure where to begin with installing this puppy "by hand".  I 
appear to have all the prerequisites as described in the README 
and INSTALL files, but I know there are some signifigant 
differences in file structure under Darwin, and obviously don't 
want to mess things up.

So if there's anyone out there willing to give me a breif 
walk-through, or even just point me at a FAQ, I'd be much 


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