Good Folks,

After upgrading to Jaguar, I installed Perl 5.8.0 from Aaron Faby's binaries
( Things look OK except the new Perl complains
about Locale:

    perl: warning: Setting  locale failed.
    perl: warning: Please check that your locale setings:
         LC_ALL = (unset),
         LANG = "en_US"
      are supported and installed on your system.
    perl: warning: Falling back on the standard local ("C").

I'd like to just shut Locale down, as I don't use it. But if it's easier
just to feed it the settings it wants to quiet it down, that's good too.

More background:

In "man perllocale", it instructed me to check for locales using

    ls /usr/share/locale

This showed a lot of them, including my favorite: "en"

But attempts to use commands like this (adapted from man perllocale) failed:

    #!/opt/perl/bin/perl -w

    require v5.0008;
    use POSIX qw(locale_h);

Any help is appreciated.

Tim Grant

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