I have not upgraded. First of all, I'm pretty happy with 10.1.5. And the new
iCal and iChat thing don't really appeal to me and the graphics thing
doesn't apply to me.

I've been waiting to hear about a big speed increase, but I really didn't
think I'd see that on my indigo iBook/366 no matter what they did.

The iTools/.Mac thing doesn't matter to me because iDisk was way to slow for
a 28,000 baud connection like mine.

If Apple had included a Perl with lots of the modules we've all had to
install (Like the old MacPerl came with) I would have been intrigued.

And maybe some unix stuff to play with like VNC, which is so cool, I
certainly would have been wanting. Have any of you used VNC? That is some
cool free software! http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/

But for me, there was nothing compelling enough to buy. I still don't have
Photoshop or GoLive for OS X yet and I'd spend my money there first.

Really, everything I want and need is there in 10.1. Apache, Gcc, and Perl.
The rest I've managed to get running, MySql, GD, etc. About the only
software I've bought for X is BBEdit and Fetch. Everything else I do,
graphics and web page layout, I still do with OS 9.

I can wait for Apple's latest OS until it's time to buy a new box. But I
should point out that I think they're making progress. It amazes me that
Apple can still do this better than MS. I'd still use OS 9 instead of WinXP
and OS X is like a dream come true for a wannabe hacker like me.


Bill Stephenson

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