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On Thursday, Sep 26, 2002, at 18:17 US/Pacific, Ken Williams wrote:

> On Friday, September 27, 2002, at 11:03  AM, Michael Maibaum wrote:
>> On Thursday, Sep 26, 2002, at 17:21 US/Pacific, Ken Williams wrote:
>>> On Thursday, September 26, 2002, at 11:55  PM, Michael Maibaum wrote:
>>>> and http://www.opendarwin.org/projects/darwinports
>>>> I've submitted ports for Perl5.8, apache with static mod_perl 
>>>> (including a version with joe's experimental libapreq stuff). Only 
>>>> the simplest apache port has shown up in cvs yet...but the rest 
>>>> soon I hope.
>>> Hmm - how is this different/better than fink?  All I see in the FAQ 
>>> is that it's "sort of like" fink.
>> I think it hopes to be more extensible than fink, in terms of 
>> embedding in other applications (though I know this has been done 
>> with fink, c.f. fink commander) and in terms of port variants. Also I 
>> think the dependancy tracking will ultimately be more flexible than 
>> that of fink.
>> Fink is cool, but I think Jordan is one of the few people with the 
>> experience (FreeBSD ports), and the skill (along with Landon and 
>> Kevin) to bring something even better to the table. We'll see.
> Hmm - this does burst my happiness bubble quite badly to know that 
> there are parallel projects and that they're not able to directly 
> leverage each other's work.  IMO "because it'll be better" is never a 
> good enough reason to re-invent the wheel unless someone can also 
> explain why the previous work isn't fixable.

well, I'm certain that the darwinports will benefit from the previous 
porting projects experience. Jordan once wrote a rather persuasive 
email why FreeBSD ports needed redoing, make macros not being the most 
user-friendly/extensible/maintainable of systems.

As to why not fink, I'm not sure. Purely for me, I found fink tied me 
to tightly to what other people wanted (in terms of configuration etc), 
as do pretty much every other porting system (with the possible 
exception of Portage, which I haven't used yet). This is not to say I 
found fink bad, just I haven't found my "prefect" ports engine yet. 
Maybe this will be it, maybe not.


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