Hi Doug,

Until we hear more details from you, we can only speculate what you are 
exactly asking. So...

On Sunday, September 29, 2002, at 04:58  PM, Doug Seib wrote:

> ..
> script that is powering a Flash Calendar.

presumabely this script is written in perl (hence, the question posted 
to this list, no?).

> For some reason, I can see it when in os9, but not in osx.

do you mean that you can see the calendar when you are serving the 
script from os9, and not when you are serving the script from osx? if 
yes, then the problem could be that your Apache webserver is not set to 
properly handle perl scripts. Make sure the "AddHandler cgi-script" 
declaration in the httpd.conf has the correct script extension (either 
cgi or pl or whatever or all of them). If you don't know what this is 
about, please search for and read Kevin Hemenway's excellent intro to 
Apache web serving on macdevcenter.com. Obviously in os9 you are using 
MacPerl, and "saving script as cgi", etc. (I know little about).

do you mean that you can see the calendar when you are browsing from 
os9, and not when you are browsing from osx? In yes, you really have a 
browser problem since the script is working just fine. Make sure you 
have the requisit flash plug-ins installed correctly, and your browser 
can handle flash, etch.

> any reading material and help will be greatly appreciated.

search on google for perl and cgi for a thousand million free hits. get 
any of the various perl and cgi books by ora. Simon Cozens recently 
reviewed one of the newer ones on perl.com.



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