I need some help porting a project that was first created using MacPerl
struggled with on linux and have come back to OSX. 
The project involves:
1. Recording SMS text messages from a mobile phone. (Serial port) 
2. Depending on the header of the message.
    2.1 select pitch, rate language of voice. 
3. Use voice synthesis to speak the message.
4. Using the header of the text message. 
Play sound files.(I used multi channeled quicktime before Mac::Movies)

    4.1 trigger play, rewind, etc. (basically quicktime type control)

    >Something like
        $This->{resfile} = Mac::Movies::OpenMovieFile($This->{AiffFile});
        die $^E unless  $This->{resfile};
        $This->{movie}   = Mac::Movies::NewMovieFromFile($This->{resfile}, 0,
        die $^E unless $This->{movie};
    > then i would control them using the various methods supplied by

So what I need is a way to play multiple channels of quicktime or equivalaent.

The other thing I need is a way to have multiple voices speaking at the same

any help would be apreciated.


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