At 5:32 AM -0700 10/26/2002, Paul Goracke wrote:
>The number one problem encountered while going from MacPerl to OS X Perl is that your 
>MacPerl scripts will almost definitely use Mac linefeeds, while OS X Perl requires 
>Unix linefeeds. Change that using BBEdit or some other program (or even "perl -i.bak 
>-p -e 's/\r/\n/g' <script>").
>After that, assuming you've got a workable shebang (#!/usr/bin/perl or similar) at 
>the beginning, you should be fine--your only worry would be any MacPerl-specific 
>modules your script may have used.

The other bits are setting the script to be executable and making certain
it's in your path.

  chmod 755




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