Well, I for one, use Maya from SGI|Alias|Waefront - and it doesn;t support 10.2 - there are a number of dialog boxen which get very screwed up by it.

Are there any other packages which work under 10.1- & not in 10.2+ ?

Certainly some of the shareware stuff like fruitmenu & windowshade have different versions...

From a developer's view are there any commonly known gotchas to look for?

On Thursday, November 14, 2002, at 05:44 PM, Phil Dobbin wrote:

From: 	Phil Dobbin[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 	Thursday, November 14, 2002 5:44:56 PM
To: 	David Wheeler; Ken Williams
Cc: 	Rich Morin; Mac OS X Perl
Subject: 	Re: OS X Installed numbers (Was Re: mac-toolbox)
Auto forwarded by a Rule

On 14/11/02 1:05, "David Wheeler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wednesday, November 13, 2002, at 04:27  PM, Ken Williams wrote:

 2) High-end users who are dying to switch, but need to wait until
their software is properly supported, or until they can properly do a
massive switchover of technologies in their business
You can probably blame Quark for about 90% of this. They're *really*
far behind updating QuarkXPress to Mac OS X, and they still pretty well
own the professional design layout market.
This is especially true here in the U.K. The overwhelming majority of Mac
users here are in the design/bureaux/newspaper business and won't touch OS X
with a bargepole exclusively because of Quark.

There are hopes that OS X may eat into the Oracle/Unix/db market but it's a
*very* long shot. Local Perl Monger groups are reporting lay offs and the
vast majority of _them_ are Windoze users.

Switch, whether from Mac OS 9 or Win32, definitely ain't happening here :-(



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