On Sat, 16 Nov 2002, Joseph Kruskal wrote:

> On 11/1/02 3:47 AM, William H. Magill at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > ... journaled file system ...
> What is a journaled file system?

This has been answered already, but just to expand a bit: one very nice
feature of the late lamented BeOS was it's filesystem, BFS. Among other
neat properties was the fact that it was journalled, meaning that before
performing operations on the disc itself, the system would make a note of
what it was about to attempt to a special log area first.

The benefit of this design is that if anything goes wrong later on, you
can quickly roll back to a stable system state. Along similar lines, most
modern transactional database systems do something similar -- for example,
they'll record your SQL queries to a transaction log, then attempt to do
those queries. That way, if a query fails -- you get a disk full error or
power outage, for example -- you can leave the database unharmed. (Going
back a bit further, IIRC accountants record day to day activity to their
own transaction log -- the general ledger -- before using that information
to prepare various financial documents. If the documents are found to have
errors (arithmatic errors, Enron fraud, etc) then if nothing else auditors
can still go back to the original ledgers for comparison.

Anyway, the guy that designed BFS, Dominic Giampalo, previously worked for
SGI, where he gave Irix supercomputer systems their own journaling layer.
For BFS, this allowed average PCs to boot in 15 seconds instead of 5
minutes, but for the big SGI machines it was the difference between 5
minutes and 5 hours, so really it was a critical improvement to a legacy

Now, Dominic has come to Apple, where he's repeated that trick for HFS+.

As others said, this will generally slow down your system a little bit on
an ongoing basis, because when writing to disc you have to do a new step
of also writing to the system journal first. On the other hand, this
should make boot times quicker, particularly for large drives & after
system crashes, and it should give much better data integrity as well.

This now brings OSX one big step closer to where BeOS was five years ago,
and where Irix was a decade ago ;)

Chris Devers    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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