
What is the best method you use to install modules not hosted on CPAN but need to be available to a group of people who are not too familiar with Perl per se.

I have some distributions that I want to be able for the user to basically type '' or 2x-click on it and it use CPAN to install all the requisite modules. Some of these modules will be from the CPAN respos, otherwise will be included at tar.gz files.

I looked at CPAN::DistroBuilder...and it seems like a good idea.

However, I have not figured out to force CPAN to look at file URLs.

Ideally, I would like to keep a local copy of the CPAN modules and just use this for the people. We are behind a firewall, and i want to avoid anything like configuring CPAN for them....I just wanna dumb it down to the point that they gotta think zippo (or as near as possible) for installation. Yes, I have read the docs and googled. But I can only find allusions to what I want to do, no concrete examples....

Thanks in advance,

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