At 10:32 PM -0500 11/22/02, Tom McDonough wrote:
I have mysql v3.23.53 running on OS X.2 and can access it from terminal but
I'm trying to use the DBI (DBI-1.30) and DBD (DBD-mysql-2.1020) to access it
through cgi scripts.  I've been getting all sorts of 'access denied' errors.

Now I've got one that I really can't understand:

Unknown MySQL Server Host ''localhost'' (1)

Here is the attempt to connect which elicited that error message:

$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database='test':host='localhost'",'tam',
'mypassword') or &error("Trouble connecting to database " . $DBI::errstr);

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong (or what this error message means)?
I think it's the single quotes around 'test' and 'localhost'. Try it without those quotes.

Ray Zimmerman / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
Sr Research / phone: (607) 255-9645 / Cornell University
Associate / FAX: (815) 377-3932 / Ithaca, NY 14853

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