Is it really broken or is it different? Lots of folks here just tend to install their version in the correct place and leave Apple's alone. (I haven't yet but I will when I decide to upgrade to 5.8.0.) Perhaps Apple squashes bug reports like this because they see it not as "A bug, but a feature"
Actually, I did the reverse, I just trashed all of Apple's and installed 5.8 and I haven't had any problems. Mind you I don't use a web server on the machines, so maybe all that funcky mod_perl stuff might not be broken, but then by the sounds of it reinstalling apache and mod_perl is a good idea anyway.

download & unpack tarball

make test


sudo make install

ln -s /Library/Perl /sw/lib/perl5

Note that you actually have to be a little more careful with the /sw/lib/perl5 directory if you have fink installed already as it installs a few modules there to start with and so you actually might have to merge them in.

Anyway, I'm sure what I'm doing is all a bad idea, but it has worked fine for me for a month or so.
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