On 12/14/2002 7:21 PM, Chris Devers wrote:

> On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, Sherm Pendley wrote:
>> On Saturday, December 14, 2002, at 04:44 PM, Riccardo Perotti wrote:
>>> But no, there's no way I'm giving up music ...
>> You know... people use Perl to write poetry... why not music?
> Indeed.
> http://search.cpan.org/author/FOOCHRE/MIDI-Realtime-0.01/Realtime-0.01/Realtim
> e.pm
> There may be others as well, but MIDI::Realtime is pretty neat... :)
I've been long considering doing music with Perl, but I always thought of it
as *the lyrics* being written in Perl and probably even compile .. and maybe
even output something ... and even something meaningful ... or beautiful ...
you know, like some Perl poetry I've seen around (there was something
beautiful in the march edition of The Perl Review).

As to the "musical part of music" (!), I mean the MIDI stuff and such, I
haven't really looked into that, mainly because we have so much good
professional software that it'd seem like reinventing the wheel.

Please take that last statement as coming from a musician, ie: "people who
bought their first Macintosh computer to be able to run their first Opcode
Systems or Mark of the Unicorn music software". I know I could probably put
together a Perl version of "Studio Vision" now, but I bought that license 10
years ago!

Anybody care to share their experiences with Perl + Music and/or their
vision of how both can be put together?

Maybe we can start a project: put music to Perl poetry ... print CDs and
sell them to the Perl community ... start a www.perlmusicians.com or
www.perlmusicmongers.com ... (TMTOWTDI!)


PD: I'm going to check out MIDI::Realtime and other MIDI modules anyway ...
I've been putting it off for too long.

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