ok, so i'm flailing a bit here in the vast caves of my UNIX ignorance trying
to get the LWP bundle to make under perl 5.8.0 and OS X 10.2.3. the net has
been little help, though it sounds similar to the problem that Manu was
having in a previous post.

basically, LWP was working fine under 5.6 and previous versions of the OS
(and i may have to revert), but is being all nasty under this new

one possible lead is the failure of HTML::Parser to make... it just gives me
the error

> In file included from Parser.xs:19:
> /System/Library/Perl/darwin-thread-multi/CORE/perl.h:3927: sys/sem.h: No such
> file or directory

and craps out. a little spelunking into this "sem.h" file (one of the many
items bits-o-UNIX-i-do-not-understand category) says that it is supposed to
provide "basic semaphore facility", which seems to be a set of values that
convey information back and forth between processes. a quick look into the
/usr/include/sys/ directory finds that apple has a snazzy "semaphore.h"
file, but no sem.h . sem.h is mysteriously nowhere to be found. so, i says
to myself, maybe i can track a darwin-specific version of this sucker down
on the net and put a copy where it can find it. found one (v1.6), tried it,
and still nothing. likewise i tried redirecting perl to semaphore.h instead
of sem.h.  no luck, just different errors. sem.h may well be a red herring
in my ultimate search to unravel the mystery of the failed LWP make.

i'm tempted to do a forced install of LWP, but that seems crude and i also
need HTML::Parser facility. has anyone else encountered this problem and
feel like sharing their insights? does anyone know what's up with the sem.h
file on darwin anyway? did dubya really say that "the problem with guns that
are hidden is you can't see their smoke"?

thanks for your patience and your indulgence.



It was from the artists and the poets that the pertinent answers came, and I
know that panic would have broken loose had they been able to compare notes.
hp lovecraft, the call of cthulhu

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