A long while back I asked a similar question -- how do I make state management possible with Perl and Apache, specifically on MacOS X, but ideally in a platform independent kind of way. At that time I believe Apache::Sessions was not compatible with OS X. I haven't found any statement now contradicting that.

Additionally, from the install notes of Apache::Sessions 1.54

First, build, test, and install mod_perl and Apache. You may also need to
install one or more of the following modules from CPAN: DBI, IPC::Shareable,
Storable, FreezeThaw, MD5.

After all of that:

perl Makefile.PL
make install
perldoc Session

Have fun,

Even if Apache::Sessions did work on OS X, does it _require_ mod_perl? I don't have mod_perl, I don't want to install mod_perl (for now at least), and I certainly don't want to create a solution that _requires_ mod_perl, because the users of my solution may not have mod_perl. Additionally, I don't want to mess with Apple's perl, and as much as possible, I want to use that rather than install my own.

Is there any easy way to achieve painless state management with perl and Apache? Obviously, I am not wanting to bop values around in the URL, and don't want to depend on cookies.

Even learning that what I want is NOT possible will be valuable.

Many thanks for any guidance provided.


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