
I have written some small apps in Perl using CamelBones.
Have anybody gotten as far as trying to ship these?

Yup. Someone should really compile a list of CB projects one day...

Except for the examples bundled with CB itself, I know of JournalX (http://rubberband.org/code/JournalX_v0.1.1.dmg.gz) and my own PerlPad

- how is it done and what is the best way?

Since CB apps are MacOS X apps, I think making a dmg is the way to go.
Usually that would contain the executable, which can just be copied to the Applications folder and should work.
If you want to ship source, you can make a dmg of your ProjectBuilder project as well.

I recommend to not include CamelBones itself, because CB needs to be linked against the particular Perl version installed on the target machine.
So if you ask the user the install CB himself, your app should work on any Perl (unless your app is not pure Perl).

As for Perl modules that you use and that do not come with Mac OS X:
- you can include them in your application, but that would cause trouble again if they are not pure Perl.
- if they can be obtained from CPAN, you can ask the user to install them from CPAN.

Another thing which would be nice to know, is how do you throw you CamelBones projects in CVS, I am running 10.1.5 and and the project builder is an old one, I haven't gotten the CVS integration to work, I have read that it works better in the never versions (which require 10.2).

I could not make ProjectBuilder work with the SourceForge CVS, but I have to admit I did not try very hard.
So I too would be happy for any advice here...

I am using maccvsX (http://cvsgui.sourceforge.net/) now, which kind of works.
The only major bug I faced was that I could somehow create CVS directories only on the file system root (/), not in other directories (like my home directory).

Hope it helps,


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