On Monday, Mar 17, 2003, at 14:15 US/Pacific, W. Blake wrote: [..]
#! /usr/bin/perl
$s='$c = chr(39);$t = q^#! /usr/bin/perl
$s=^.$c.$s.$c.q^;eval $s;^."\n";print $t
###             execute-me          ####
';eval $s;

I just noticed one of those things I don't normally take the time out to 'check for' - but I ran the orignal code, and got a perl script printed out. Rather than just the 'ascii art'.

but if I do the sort of thing I would normally do

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        use strict;
        our $s='$c = chr(39);
        $t = q^#!/usr/bin/perl
        $s=^.$c.$s.$c.q^;eval $s;^."\n";print $t
        ###             execute-me          ####
        ###                                 ####
        ';eval $s;

I get no output....

I'm running the apple default 5.6 version of perl,
was this the expected behaviors????



or is that a part of the subliminal message

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