I'd like to be able to put up multiple windows from a single app.
For example, if a user hits cmd-N, the app should be able to put up
another instance of its "browser window".  I would also (while I'm
wishing :-) like a cmd-click on a tab to bring up a window that is
pre-set to display that tab.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure where to begin in doing this.  My Unix
background says "spawn another instance of the program".  My Mac
experience says "have the program bring up multiple windows".  The
only reference I see on the topic is in "Cocoa Programming" (pp.
213-218), under the topic of "Multidocument Applications".


email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; phone: +1 650-873-7841
http://www.cfcl.com/rdm    - my home page, resume, etc.
http://www.cfcl.com/Meta   - The FreeBSD Browser, Meta Project, etc.
http://www.ptf.com/dossier - Prime Time Freeware's DOSSIER series
http://www.ptf.com/tdc     - Prime Time Freeware's Darwin Collection

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