On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 02:17 PM, Ken Williams wrote:


I've saved the following script as ~/bin/attach . It lets me create a new Mail message from the command line with a given file as an attachment. For example:

% attach foo/bar/baz.doc

I was talking offline (well, online but not on *this* line =) with Chris Nandor, and he gave me some hints on how to find a solution for a problem I'd been having. Whenever I executed applescript calls, I got the error:

## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of type (regR/carP/x!bt)

This even happened with 'osascript -e 1' at the command line, so it wasn't a perl-related problem, as it turned out. The solution is here:


I moved /Library/QuickTime/Toast\ Video\ CD\ Support.qtx to /tmp/ and the error message went away. Dunno if I'll miss it, but I rarely use Toast anymore and I certainly don't make video CDs.

(The original thread for this message is here:
http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF- 8&th=733e513bace2274a&rnum=1 )


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