I've uploaded the first CamelBones 0.3 build to my site - <http://www.dot-app.org> ;-)

Yep, it's here - the long-awaited CamelBones 0.3. Not quite ready for prime time, but it builds cleanly (no warnings). Some things are not working yet - passing and/or returning structures (NSPoint, NSRect, etc.) is not yet working. Subclassing works to a point; you can subclass an Objective-C class, and add new methods, but overriding the superclass' methods doesn't work. There is only one included example.

I've only built the framework on 10.1 - you need to build the included libffi first. GCC 3 includes libffi built-in, so you shouldn't need to build it yourself if you're using 10.2 or newer; I haven't been able to test anything but 10.1, however, so you'll probably need to change some build settings.

On a more positive note, passing hash and array references as arguments where NSDictionary and NSArray objects are expected is now supported. It works from Objective-C, as well - see CBPerlDictionary.h and CBPerlArray.h for more. All linked and registered Objective-C classes are now wrapped automatically and available from Perl. Classes loaded dynamically using NSBundle should be automatically wrapped, as well - the code is there, but I haven't tested it.

If I haven't scared you away yet, and you'd like to test a work in progress, participate in its further development, or just to talk about it, please download this and join the -devel mailing list at SourceForge - <http://sf.net/projects/camelbones/>. This is certainly a good place to talk about using CB to build Cocoa apps, but I'm sure there are plenty of folks here who aren't terribly interested in talking about Objective-C, pointers, and SV's - oh, my.

I'm also going to check the code into CVS at SourceForge, and release this file there as well. But, I've been hacking on this since early this morning, SF's file release system is a pain, and I've got other plans tomorrow...


Heisenberg may have slept here.

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